Categories: BuickJust For Fun

3 Great Christmas Gifts for Your Buick

Items to Make Winter Easier for Your Buick

Just like the kids in our lives, our cars need attention all year round and not just at Christmas. However, there are a few things we just know your Buick would love to receive as a Christmas gift this year. These items won’t make or break your driving experience, but they will certainly make it easier and more fun! We’ll tell you 3 great Christmas gifts for your Buick!

3 Car Purchases to Make Winter Easier

All-Season Floor Mats:

Whether you make an effort or not, you and your passengers always seem to drag some of the dirt, snow, and salt from the winter roads into your car. We know that makes things get pretty grimy. An easy way to cut down on the dirt is to buy all-season mats for your Buick! This will ensure that you can simply wash the mats at the end of the season and forget the mess ever happened.

Read More: Which Cars Do Millennials Like Best?

An Alarm for Lost Car Keys:

You might have wondered to yourself at one point or another, why has no one ever invented this? Well, we’re here to tell you that they have. One option is the Kensington Proximo, and it’s as simple as attaching the alarm to your key chain, and using your smartphone to text the device when you can’t find your keys! The alarm will help you to find the keys and you’ll be back on the road in no time.

Read More: Self-Driving Cars by 2017!

Splash Guards/ Mud Flaps:

Keeping your Buick Enclave clean this winter will be easier if you get your hands on some splash guards for your wheels. No longer will the dirt and grime from the road build up on your Buick’s exterior. These great tools will keep the splashing to a minimum, and they look cool too! They might not stop your kids from throwing snowballs at the car, but they certainly do their job while you’re on the road.

