Categories: Tips and Tricks

These 3 driving habits could cost you

Bad Driving Habits

Everyone thinks they’re a good driver — at least to some extent. Maybe we acknowledge a few things we do that aren’t ideal — habitual speeders have probably seen enough of those cherries and berries to know there’s room for improvement, or maybe we’re guilty of a little distracted driving, like eating or fiddling with the radio too much. But with all bad habits, there are consequences, and when it comes to driving it’s especially important to work on keeping those things in check. Today we’re going to list some bad driving habits that might end up costing you in the long run. 

1. Aggressive driving might make you feel like you’re king (or queen) of the road in the moment, but usually people who are irritated are also doing a lot of slamming on the brakes, quick-jerking turns, and roaring up to speed from a standstill. You might also be following other drivers to closely and passing at inadvisable times. While there’s a clear physical danger associated with these maneuvers, it’s also going to cost you over the long haul in terms of wear and tear on your systems. Your car will last longer if you can find a way to calm those nerves.

2. Running on empty. Do you frequently find yourself at the bottom of a tank of gas? See that little warning light quite a bit? It’s not without consequences, and not only because you run a higher risk of running out on the road. This practice can also cause clogging of your fuel system over time, leading to deterioration that will not be pretty when you get your estimate back from the mechanic. Think your system could use a flush before resolve to never let it go under a quarter tank again? Bring it on in to our service center.

3. Idling. Once in a while it feels appropriate to sit in idle — maybe you want to let your car “warm up” before you get going in winter (not necessary – give it 30 seconds and just start out gently), or you’re just stopping for a few minutes while your friend runs in to grab some cash. Whenever possible, just turn the engine off and wait. Too much idling can be a big strain on your engine.

Questions about how to better maintain your vehicle? Next time you’re in our service center for an oil change just ask us about some ways to improve your vehicle health and we’ll be happy to offer suggestions.
