Distracted driving habits to kick right now

Distracted driving information

You hear a lot about distracted driving these days. Everyone seems to know and generally agree that it’s dangerous, but people still seem to have a hard time taking the warnings seriously and actually modifying their behavior. We suggest that you take a look at this list of distracted driving habits – and they’re just some of the major ones – and ask yourself if you’ve been an offender in the last month. If the answer is yes, make a promise to yourself and the other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians whose safety depends on it, to stop right away. It’s not worth it. 

1. Text/Phone/Social Media. This is the big one everybody knows is problematic, but again and again people are involved in accidents as a result. You cannot responsibly operate something as large and dangerous as a motor vehicle while looking at your phone at the same time. If something is urgent, find an exit and use your phone when you’ve safely stopped. If it’s not urgent, it can wait. Today’s vehicles have lots of options for connectivity, but even they can get distracting. Keep your priorities straight.

2. Pets. Of course, you need to bring your pets along with you sometimes, but it’s important not to let them distract you from the road. If your pet can’t keep from distracting you while loose in the vehicle, you’ll need a crate or harness that secures to the safety belt, depending on the size of your pet. Don’t wing it – plan ahead. If something is happening with your pet that constitutes an emergency, safely pull off the road to deal with it or you could very well have a second emergency on your hands.

3. Food and drink. Yes, drive-through windows and meals on the go are a tempting way to save time in your busy schedule, but it’s also highly unsafe. From unexpected spills to not having your hand on the wheel while eating, eating and drinking while behind the wheel take your attention away from where it needs to be: the road, and the safety of everyone on it (including you).

According to the Centers for Disease Control, distracted driving kills more than fifteen people and injures more than 1,200. That’s every day. We all want that number to come down, so please take an honest look at the list and make the right choice.

Questions about safe driving? Give us a call here at Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac.
