DIY Vehicle Emergency Kit Items

You can pay a bunch of money to have an emergency kit made for your vehicle, or you can throw together the necessities and keep them in your vehicle for just a few dollars. While we can’t stop you from purchasing an expensive kit, we can give you our best suggestions for DIY vehicle emergency kit items and help you feel more confidence as you hit the road. It’s important to have all of these items with you inside your vehicle, as we usually don’t predict car trouble or an accident. We’ll give you our top 5 recommendations for a vehicle emergency kit.  

5 Perfectly Affordable Items for Your Car Emergency Kit

       Save Money

    Have All Your Tools

 Drive With Confidence

A Small Blanket

Keeping yourself warm is only one of the many uses for a small blanket in your vehicle. Should you be stuck in your car for hours waiting for a tow, you can snuggle up for a nap in this blanket. It is also handy for putting on the ground when you are changing a tire, or wrapping around a sick passenger to keep them comfortable. In the unfortunate event of an injury, the blanket can be used to hold pressure to the affected person’s wound.

A Gallon of Water

Inexpensive and a little chunky, this is the most important item on our list. Clean, filtered water in your vehicle is great for drinking, and can help with an overheating engine. You can pour a little water into your radiator to cool it down. It won’t last long, but if you do this, you might be able to reach your destination or a nearby rest stop.

Read More: Tips for Warming Up Your Car

Some Nonperishable Snacks

We all get a little more easily frustrated and anger more easily when we are hungry. If you are caught stopped traffic or are waiting for a tow truck, it’s helpful to have a little something to snack on. Things like hard candies, granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit are great options to give your blood sugar a little boost and keep your attitude bright, even in an unfortunate situation.

Basic First-Aid Supplies

These shouldn’t surprise you. In the case of an injured or sick person, you will want to have a few basic items on hand. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin can help with minor aches and pains, while other items like, gauze, medical tape, alcohol pads, Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, and some antacids can come in handy in a pinch.

Read More: Getting Bad Smells Out of Car Seats

A Flashlight

Basically any vehicle trouble is made worse by a lack of light. Nighttime travelling issues can really put a damper on finding a solution. Solve this potential issue by keeping a flashlight, headlamp, and some extra batteries in your emergency kit. Whether you’re trying to look at your engine, are helping another driver with car issues, or simply need to find something in the back seat, a light will certainly make life easier.
