It’s All About Giving Back

This is the era of forward-thinking. It’s the time when we have to think about others, specially if we are talking about the environment. Here al Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac, we want to teach you a few greener ways to clean your car.  We all want to keep our cars cleaned but the best things for our environment and for those around us is to save some water and use less chemicals.

There are several ways you can wash your car at home while thinking about the environment. These might include the amount of water, the types of cleaning products you use and where the water goes after you are done rinsing your car.

It’s an example that one has to set.

If you regularly wash your car at home, then we know that you probably have some products and tools set aside specifically for this action. A favorite sponge or car-washing mitt could be replaced by a great natural option like a sheepskin wash mitt, which is commonly available in the auto section big supermarkets.

Now, when it comes to drying your car, opt for a much cleaner option than paper towels that get thrown away after every use. Think about implementing into this routine a used T-shirt or another type of cotton clothing. Reusing is the key.

Fun fact of the day: a regular garden hose uses about 10 gallons of water per minute. Do the math, after 10 minutes of washing or rinsing your vehicle, that is equivalent 100 gallons of wasted water. Look online for alternative water-saving options that could be attached to your hose and reduce the amount of water. Or think about going waterless: There are waterless car-wash products that possess advanced wetting agents and emulsifiers to soften and remove dirt and grime.


By being a little more sympathetic about the environment, you can help your community, your loved ones and the future. Remember to keep checking with us for more blogs about cars, information about our new inventory or if you have a question about financing. Our expert sales team will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions.

