Categories: Tips and Tricks

How to Deal With a Frozen Car Lock in Winter

There’s not much in this world as frustrating as going to get into your car before work and finding your locks are frozen. Not only can this make it impossible to get into your vehicle, but it can cost money to have fixed if you don’t have the tips to get the job done yourself. We’ll tell you how to protect your locks and deal with a frozen lock situation like a pro.  

How to Unlock a Frozen Car Lock

Step 1: Prevention is Key 

It might be too late for this step, but remember it for next time! Coat your key with rubbing alcohol or petroleum jelly. Then apply a lock lubricant to the keyhole. Grease-less products works the best, as they don’t attract dust and won’t clog the lock system. If you do both of these things regularly, your lock should not freeze.

Step 2: Melt that Frozen Lock 

You can buy a de-icer product to spray into your car lock, but you might not always have this on hand. In a tight situation, grab that extension cord and a hair dryer to send some warm air into the lock. Hold it a few inches away from the lock and give it a minute or so to work. It’s not as effective, but can get you out of a frozen situation!

Vehicle Service and Maintenance for Winter Kenosha WI

If you’re looking to get your vehicle ready to handle the winter months, we are here to help. Give our experienced service team a call or schedule your appointment online. We would love to answer your questions and guide you through the steps of becoming equipped for winter weather situations.
