Categories: Used Vehicles

The Fountain of Youth

How to Maintain the Value of Your Vehicle

Whether it is a temporary car or a the type of vehicle that you want to pass along to your kids, it is always important to protect it so that it stays like new for as long as it can. Here at Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac of Kenosha WI, we want to make sure that you know exactly how to maintain the value of your vehicle at all times.

Because “longevity” isn’t just for us

Let’s start with the “why”. Well, a car is an investment; The longer you keep it going good, the better return it will give you. It is all about being cost efficient. OR better yet, it is all about the money. And when we talk money, we talk gas.

The words “great condition” go a long way.

It is important that you pay close attention to the mileage. We know that driving is pretty much the whole point of having a vehicle, but sometimes there are ways of economizing and reducing the amount of times your vehicle hits the road. Think about carpooling and using bikes or the city transportation … It will benefit you, your pocket and the environment.

Here at Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac of Kenosha WI, we’re proud to have a great service center that helps make sure our customers always feel safe on the road. We advise you to make an appointment with us regularly to keep track of damages or repairs or simple “let’s just see’s” for your vehicle. Routine is the key.

And although it’s not always possible, try to avoid heavy construction areas because they can be filled with loose nails, heavy bricks and unnecessary issues that neither you or your vehicle probably wants to put up with unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Take care of your vehicle and it will last you a lifetime. For any more tips and tricks for used vehicles or brand new cars, trucks, and SUVs, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and your loved ones stay safe and happy while on the road.

