Get ready for Halloween in Kenosha!

Kenosha Trick or Treat 2014

It’s that time of year when spooks, superheroes, and celebrities all mingle on the sidewalk while dashing from house to house collecting candy from the neighbors — that’s right, Halloween is almost here and we’ve got the scoop for you on when Kenosha Trick or Treat 2014 will take places, as well as some friendly Halloween safety reminders. 

Alright, so first things first: When is trick or treating 2014 in Kenosha? According to the City of Kenosha, trick or treating will take place from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on Friday, October 31, 2014. During that time you can take the kids out trick or treating around your own or your favorite neighborhood. No little goblins? If you’d like to give out candy, just stock up on sweets and turn your porch light on from five to eight on Friday the 31st!

Now, if you’re planning on taking your kids trick or treating, it’s important to keep some basic safety precautions in mind. Here are a few to consider:

1. Costumes should fit well (to avoid tripping and falling), be bright (for better visibility since it’ll get dark during the Trick or Treating hours), and warm (self explanatory at this time of year!).

2. Depending on how old your kids are, you should either go with them from house to house or stay on the same street as they are trick or treating on. Older kids will definitely want you to stay in the car, and that’s fine as long as you can keep an eye on them.

3. Make sure your trick or treaters have a few rules down: use sidewalk and designated walkways only (no cutting across lawns!), always have at least one person with you, and say “Thank you!” after receiving treats, even if it’s the neighborhood dentist giving out apples again.

We hope everyone in and around Kenosha has a safe,  happy Halloween this year!

