Our Best Road Trip Games for Kids and Adults

Our Best Road Trip Games for Kids and Adults

Are you headed somewhere a good distance from your house this spring or summer? Are you dreading spending hours in the car with kids whining and asking if you are there yet? Well a great solution for this is to play games. We want you to be prepared for the bored kiddos so we’ve put together some of our best road trip games for kids and adults. Read on to see what we suggest.

There are few things as relaxing as sitting in the car all day long. For grown-ups it can be a great experience, but most kids find themselves bored out of their minds. Here are some great games they can play to keep busy.

  1. Car Bingo: Make boards ahead of time that feature things the players might see during the road trip. Their goal is to spot the items on their board and cross them off until they get a column or row completely crossed off. Examples of things you could put on the board are: a blue pickup truck, a flash of lightning, a brown cow… etc.

  2. Movie Quote Mania: If your family watches movies together, a fun game can be to think of a line from a family favorite. Say the line in the best impression you can and see if anyone can guess. Keep saying different lines from the movie if they need more clues. This is a better game for older kids or adults.

  3. 20 questions. This might sound boring, but if you use a person place or thing that directly relates to the people in the car, the game can become much more interesting. Make them guess their friends or pets instead of choosing random public figures. It can be a great way to bond as a family.

  4. I spy. This one is a classic and is easy to play with young children. One person says “I spy with my little eye…” and gives a clue to whatever object they’ve spotted. The other players have to guess what the item is. This can be really fun and even tricky depending on the clues you give!

Well those are our favorite games. Playing games together as a family is a great way to build relationships and have fun at the same time! There’s no video game or movie that can make happiness that lasts longer than fun memories.

Let us know what you think and what games you like to play with your family! If you prefer to go digital with your entertainment, be sure to check out the 2015 Cadillac Escalade with an available rear seat entertainment system. Happy Travels!

