Self-Driving by 2017

Self-Driving Cars Available in the U.S.

Unless you particularly enjoy the witty banter of your chauffeur, you can expect to give him the boot in 2017. Or if you don’t have one, you don’t need to worry about finding one. The Cadillac CTS will be one of the few self-driving cars available in the U.S. by 2017. Luxury is being taken to a whole new level as Cadillac gives us what “customers around the world want.”

The Future is Now

Beating many automakers’ former estimates of 2020, Cadillac is going to give the world a self driving vehicle just two years from now. The automaker hasn’t said much on the subject in the past, maybe they’ve been waiting to play their hand and see if anyone was as close as them, or they just happened to finally crack the code. Either way, we’re excited for a future where steering wheels are more of an option rather than something we have to hold onto while we drive. Our arms get tired sometimes, just like our legs, which is why we have cruise control.

READ MORE: Why Choose a Crossover SUV vs Minivan?

Super Cruise

The feature for the self-driving technology will be called Super Cruise technology, which can control steering, acceleration and braking in both high-speed situations as well as in stop-and-go traffic. Though you shouldn’t sleep behind the wheel, with Super Cruise you probably could. The luxury sedan will also be able to communicate with similarly equipped vehicles for a safer performance on the road.

Is This The End?

There is no need to be worried about this technology being on the road. It will simply free up more time for drivers, or make it safer for people who like to text while drinking coffee and maybe looking at the road from time to time. So no, there will not be some kind of Maximum Overdrive/Skynet takeover once the Cadillac CTS sedan hits the roads in 2017.

READ MORE: Brand New Buick Encore for 2016!

Interested in taking a test drive in any of the vehicles we have now? Schedule an appointment online! We’d love to show you our latest technology!

