Tips for Cleaning Your Matte Car Paint

Caring for matte vehicle paint can be a little tricky if you don’t take the time to understand what it needs. Traditional vehicle paint is made to be glossy, and thus can be polished and rebuffed if it is scratched. Matte paint is a little different. Read on to check out these three tips for cleaning your matte car paint.  

What Makes Matte Car Paint Different From Glossy Paint?

When you’re considering purchasing or caring for your matte paint, the cleaning process looks a bit different. Because matte paint is not glossy, and it’s not made to reflect light, the waxing and polishing process is not going to work.

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Matte paint can’t tolerate scuffs and scratches the way that traditional paint does, so it’s important to keep your matte vehicle clean.

How to Wash a Matte Car  

  1. Be sure to use a wax-free, ph neutral, car washing soap. It needs to be wax-free because wax in regular vehicle soap will cause a splotchy and clouded appearance. The ph neutral part will help avoid any damage caused by the soap.
  2. It is important to wash a matte vehicle regularly, as any excess dirt and oils will start to give the vehicle a sheen. If you wash the vehicle and it still seems to have a sheen, you can try diluted Isopropyl alcohol to remove any excess oils.
  3. Be sure to remove bird droppings or bugs as soon as you can to prevent damage to the matte finish.

Schedule Matte Paint Cleaning Milwaukee WI

If keeping your vehicle clean and looking its best seems like a little too much for you to take on, there are professionals who are happy to help. The team, here at Palmen Motors, are here to answer your questions and get your vehicle in top shape. Give us a call or schedule your appointment online.
