Categories: Tips and Tricks

Stuck in traffic? It doesn’t have to be miserable.

What to do when you’re stuck in traffic

It happens to all of us at some point. We’re cruising along in traffic, maybe en route to or from Chicago, and suddenly… things start to slow down. And the vehicles around you get slower, you tap on your steering wheel impatiently, hope it doesn’t happen, and then… it happens. You’re not moving, sandwiched on both sides by the vehicles around you, and no one’s going anywhere. Then the inching starts. You fumble through the radio stations looking for reports, trying to ascertain whether it’s going to be a long one or not. So, what to do? Here you are, and you can’t will anything else to be the case. Here are our best tips for what do do when you’re stuck in traffic

1. Relax. Okay, it’s easier said than done if you’ve got places to be, but there are a few things that should ease your mind, particularly if you’ve got a vehicle with start-stop technology like Buick’s eAssist. That way you know you’re not also wasting fuel while you idle — normally a pretty major and annoying gas-suck while you’re stuck. Put on some soothing music while you’re at it, especially if you’ve got SiriusXM radio. Or if you really want to relax, check out how the latest Cadillac XTS can make that happen for you — it’s pretty next-level.

2. Entertain yourself! Speaking of SiriusXM, there are plenty of talk radio programs as well to keep you entertained. From comedy to politics (maybe not those, though; they’re not exactly stress-reducing for most of us), there’s plenty of programming to distract you from the situation at hand in a way that maybe music wouldn’t do quite as well. In lieu of those options, give someone a call that you haven’t talked to in a while through your Bluetooth system — it’s probably the safest time to do so, and your mom will be ever-so-happy to hear from you.

3. Got kids along for the ride? Now that can be tricky. Surely they want YOU to either magically make the cars start going again or entertain them some way in the meantime. This might be a good time to play “The Quiet Game.” You know the one, and you probably know to only use it when absolutely necessary to keep it from wearing out. Now might be one of those times.

Hope you’re back on the move soon, and come see us here at Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac when you are!

