Watch out for these common brake problems

When should you get your brakes checked?

When it comes to vehicle systems that are most crucial for safety on the road, not enough can ever really be said about brakes. The problem is, it’s one of those car problems we don’t always detect in a timely fashion. Or maybe we sense that our brakes aren’t as tip-top as they once were but we’re putting off having them checked out at a service center because we think it’s okay to ride it out a bit before things get bad. We strongly advise against waiting, as brake issues can be among the most dangerous to you and the other drivers with whom you share the road. When should you get your brakes checked? Here are some signs that it’s time:

1. You feel a pull toward one side while you’re braking.

2. Your brake pedal needs to get pushed almost all the way to the floor in order to come to a stop, or you feel as though you’re having to apply more pressure than usual when braking.

3. You hear any strange noises whatsoever when you step on the brakes. This might be a grinding, squeaking, screeching, clicking, or clunking. Whatever it sounds like, it means you need to have your brakes looked at.

4.  You feel a vibration or pulsating feeling when you apply the brakes.

The key with all of these warning signs is to stay alert and have them looked at as soon as possible. If you ignore these issues, you run the risk of starting to get used to them and forgetting what healthy brakes feel like. That’s not something we want you getting out of touch with!

If you have any questions at all about whether your brakes are in need of replacement or repair, please schedule an appointment with the professionals here at Palmen Buick GMC Cadillac. We’re here to help!
