Category Archives: Safety

What can OnStar do for you?

What is OnStar?

If you’ve been looking at GM vehicles for your next auto purchase, you’ve probably run across the name OnStar a time or two. But what is OnStar? It’s  a system that’s available in most models that we carry, and we think you’ll be impressed with everything you can do with it. Today we’ll tell you a little bit about what OnStar can do and how you can try out the services for free! Read the rest of this entry >>

Distracted driving habits to kick right now

Distracted driving information

You hear a lot about distracted driving these days. Everyone seems to know and generally agree that it’s dangerous, but people still seem to have a hard time taking the warnings seriously and actually modifying their behavior. We suggest that you take a look at this list of distracted driving habits – and they’re just some of the major ones – and ask yourself if you’ve been an offender in the last month. If the answer is yes, make a promise to yourself and the other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians whose safety depends on it, to stop right away. It’s not worth it.  Read the rest of this entry >>